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Solid example of point engineering
  Views:536  Addtime:2019/4/21

Ningbo Nanyuan Globle Hotel
Ningbo Nanyuan Global Hotel is the f affiliated flagship hotel of Ningbo Nanyuan
Hotel Group, which is positioned as the highest level of China hotel industry --white
golden star hotel. The hotel is located in Yinzhou, Ningbo, with a total investment
of RMB 800 million and opened in December 2009.Its construction standard is
according to the National Tourism Administration "white gold stars" standard. With
the total area of 80,000 square meters, the main building is 168 meters high, and
43 levels in total. It is the first“ white golden star” hotel in Yongcheng, and also
regarded as the new frontier symbol of urbanization construction.
Our company provided the full set of kitchen equipment production, manufacture
and installation


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Address:No.56,Yudao Road,Qinhuai District,Nanjing,Jiangsu,China Tel:86-25-52626508/52626563/52626608/52626618
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