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Solid example of point engineering
  Views:806  Addtime:2019/4/21

Zhuhai Marriott Hotel's total construction area of 5,000 square meters and offers 310 gu
est rooms, managed by the US Marriott Hotel Management Group.Our company re
sponsible for the onsite full kitchen equipment supply and matching decorative
works, including machining centers, day dining restaurant, lunch kitchen, ban
quet kitchen, lobby bar, room service and other floors.



Copyright Nanjing Guanglong Kitchen Equipment and Engineering Company Limited 2009-2010 http://www.njglcj.com All rights reserved
Address:No.56,Yudao Road,Qinhuai District,Nanjing,Jiangsu,China Tel:86-25-52626508/52626563/52626608/52626618
Fax:86-25-52609006 Postcard:210022 Url:http://www.njglcj.com E-Mail:info@njglcj.com 技术支持:云长科技